Friday, August 8, 2008


Since Kyle and my birthdays are 3 days apart we decided to celebrate them together after Sunday dinner this year. Sissy made some brownies because no one in our family likes birthday cake and it always go to waste. We had us a fun party with brownies and a lot of orange sherbet (don't ask LOL!) I got lots of nice gifts from my kids; Chaddy, Les and the Girls gave me a couple of really nice outfits. Kelly, the boys, Chad, Sissy and Paislee gave me some beautiful pearl earrings to go with my necklace. Kyle & Amber took me out to a really nice birthday dinner on my birthday since dad had to work and everyone else was out of town and I was all by myself. Dad bought me some shelves for our basement so I can put my pictures out. I love pictures and I want all of my pictures of my sweet kids and grandkids out so I can enjoy them. My mom had pictures all over her walls and I am finding I like them out as well, so now I know where Amanda gets her picture obessession from. Thanks everyone for a fun party, it was a great birthday! I LOVE YOU ALL!!!

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